Three, two, one...ta dahhhhhhh!

Big, big, big surprise coming your way!!!!!
This is the kind of help I get around here....
Check out my buddy Marnie's very cool frames...
Teddy McSnouterson
A tantalizing trio...
I took these little beauties up to my newest fav store, The Gilded Nest, in Georgetown CT. It's amazing what a bit of glitter, a velvet leaf or two and some decorative paper can do for these simple little frames. So sweet...a little glitterbirdie landed on the first one!
Time for the Stationery Show in NYC!!!
Grace & Company Paperie - Bainbridge Island, WA

Two artichokes on a stick...
Yup, it's a yummy, glittery frame!
Sneaky peek # 2...
GlitterWorkshop coming up soon.....
Glitter Gives Back!!!!!
Perhaps some of you might have heard that Ellen DeGeneres mentioned her dislike of glitter on one of her past shows...Needless to say, I was cut to the quick, ( oh, the horror of it all...) but I heal quickly and just as quickly forgot about it. ( Remember I have the attention span of a gnat! ) And ya gotta figure she was kidding, right??? She's a comedian, after all. I do love her. However, as for "glitter", she knows not of whateth she speaketh...
Live, from New York...500 and counting...
Had a perfectly wonderful day in New York last week. I was invited (as a former guest) to be in the studio audience to help Martha Stewart celebrate her 500th show.
I had soooo much fun seeing Martha & my buddies, and taking in the gorgeous set (from the other side of the camera, that is...)! And what a gorgeous set it is. Really stunning...
This six foot tall ice sculpture was quite amazing! The sculptors were smoothing and adjusting it right up to show time and the studio lights transformed it into a rainbow of color.
Applause, please...
I would be remiss if I didn't mention three wonderful people who made Saturday's workshop such a success.
Another grrrrrreeeeaaaaat workshop!
Oh, the fun we had on Saturday. Wish you all could have been there. We crafted beautiful wire trees in glittered urns and dusted some birdies and eggs with more of the stuff...and of course, ate chocolate bunnies & malted milk easter eggs. ( One of my workshops isn't complete without chocolate, ya know! )First we glittered our cast iron urns with vintage silver glass glitter and let them dry. Next, we twisted the wire strands into a trunk shape with branches and roots. Then we bent the roots so they would fit down into the urn.
Yay! We got it to stand up in the urn all by itself!!! (nobody sneeze, OK?)
Next it was time to mix & pour plaster...
Now the fun began...time to start shaping the branches. This is where each artist's personality started to emerge. We twisted, twirled and coaxed those little wires into the most beautiful shapes.
Everyone's tree came out to be so different, yet absolutely wonderful...I think everyone was amazed to see a thing of such beauty emerge from a pile of copper electrical wire!
It was very tough to say good-bye to this group...such amazing people...and we had such a blast!
Thanks to Marcia @ Tinsel Trading Company, and to our workshop organizer, Terri, for yet again allowing me to teach my craft and share my love of all things glittered!
The Glitter Fairy
Hot off the presses...
These sweet gift tie-ons are heading out to some shops...just perfect to tie into a bow on a gift box.
The sun is actually shing today and I really believe Spring is coming. I can almost hear these little birdies tweeting!
Hey lookey who just landed on this glittery box...
Yup, a dear little glitter bird flew in from Florida, just in time for Spring, and landed on this box! She has three tiny blue glittered eggs in her nest and a banner proclaiming "happy easter". Makes me want to jump for joy---so darned cute! Would love to have kept her for myself, but she already flew away with a customer to be an Easter gift for someone special...
Getting ready to pop this beauty in the mail...
Watch out, Mr. Mailman...this sucker's gonna be heavy! The base urn is glittered cast iron!!! Then there's the plaster and copper wire...no lightweights here!
BTW, there is still a space or two for my workshop this Saturday in NYC @ Tinsel Trading Company, if you'd like to learn how to make one yourself. Give them a buzz and we'll squeeze ya in.
Glitter birdies and dragonfly beds....
Thinking Spring...
Lots of colors are flying around here...soft pinks, magentas, moss green, chartreuse...Spring must be right around the corner...
I'll put a bumblebee on anything, I tell 'ya! Isn't this bee tag suh-weeeeeeet? These tags and many more are headed for some shops...
Am working on Easter stuff already. Sheesh! Wasn't it just Valentine's Day yesterday???
Anyway...here's something fun to do to jazz up your Easter Basket.
Take your favorite jumbo candy bar (I like Dove, Cadbury & Lindt), take off the outer wrapper, leaving the foil intact. Cut out two complementary decorative papers and wrap & tape them over the foil. Add ribbon, a velvet leaf...and perhaps an itty-bitty chickie, and voila! You've got a great looking candy bar which would make a swell hostess gift at Easter dinner or a special present for your children's basket. Of course, I have traced some glue pen over the patterned papers in a few areas and sprinkled a bit of non-glass glitter on top. Gives it a bit of sparkle! My biggest challenge is to NOT eat the chocolate before delivering it to a store!!! (Note: I haven't quite recovered from Halloween candy yet!)
It's a bit dreary outside here so I thought I'd brighten up the day with some colors...
I've been tagged by my buddy, Suzi Finer....
Yup, Miss Suzi wants to know what I'm reading today, so she tagged me with a "Book meme"...
Here goes....
"Just go up to everyone you see, introduce yourself, and start talking" It's that "just" word again. Like it's so easy.This passage is from
Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur,
by my dear friend & guru, Jane Pollak.
Note: I totally recommend this book to all you entrepreneurial types out there. It is jam-packed with fantastic info to help you build your dreams & talents into a successful business while maintaining balance in your life.
The rules of "Book meme":
Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages
Find page 123 (don't cheat!)
Find the first five sentences
Post the next three sentences
Tag five people
I'm tagging Jennifer of SisBoom, Karla of Sugar Bear Designs, Linda of Restyled Home, Lidy of Little French Garden House and Kim of Musings. What are you guys reading today???
BTW, Happy Valentine's Day to all...
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo and xo!
The Glitter Fairy
Another Fab Workshop @ Tinsel Trading Company!
Combine one part glitter, one part crafter, one part slightly whacky teacher, one part chocolate and what have you got??? One heckuva great time, I tell 'ya!!!
Oh, what fun we had tossing around faux posies, velvet leaves and of course, glitter! I swear, I have THE most wonderful students...and they made gorgeous, glittery trinket boxes and tags. We painted, cut, glued and glittered, as the afternoon flew by!

Love you guys...xoxo
Love is in the air.......
This little birdie is holding his lovey-dovey message in his beak. I glass glittered the birdie & nest, added a tinsel necklace with a frilly flower, glued his banner in his beak, popped in some green shred & a blue egg...and he's ready to go. He's flying to Westport.
Here are the rest of the heart ornaments. Each one is about 5 inches tall with a different combo of flowers, bugs and leaves and words.
I'll be so sad when Valentine's Day is over. I just love making heart designs...
au revoir, mes amis...