
What's the buzzzzzzz?

Recently I've named the studio 
"The Beehive GlitterGuild", 
because there are now many of us buzzing about 
throughout the day and night.

My sweet seeeeester has flown in to help.  
She is our official "ribbon lady" and ties all our bows.  
Not a job for the faint of heart!

I have been very blessed to have found a wonderful 
Assistant Glitter Fairy, Denise, 
...she glitters, assembles, organizes, tallies, packs, 
makes up invoices & charts, does QC checks 
and then re-checks everything! 
(all with a gorgeous smile on her face, I might add...) 
DeniseFairy is my "rock"!  
She is actually sprouting wings...

Here are a couple of amazing women who help me to glitter, 
our most FUN job around here.  
I am also blessed with several other wonderful women 
(and you know who you are!) who paint boxes, 
cut ribbon and help in any way they can 
to keep this glittermachine going!

What a TEAM!!!!!

There is no way on this green earth that this glitterfairy 
could handle all this solo...

Many thanks to all...

Tea Time...

We have been extraordinarily busy lately (thank you, GlitterGods!),
but every now and then it's important to take a break...
My sweet sister put together 
the most beautiful High Tea for us yesterday...
Still warm from the oven "Swedish Visiting Cake" filled the house and studio 
with the most delicious smells...vanilla, sugar & almonds!  
What a gift she gave to us!

Thank you seester!


It was P-E-R-F-E-C-T !!!!!!!!!

My weekend in Chicago
at the Country Living Magazine's Women's Entrepreneurial Event was

A M A Z I N G...

I met so many creative women that my head is still spinning.

We networked with women from all over the country,
each one with a great product & story,
and listened to highly successful women entrepreneurs tell their stories.
The speakers and other panelists, experts in PR, TV, and business, shared so much helpful information. It was truly inspirational.

And of course, the most fun for me was showing my glittery goodness to all.

The Country Living Magazine editors & judges
were incredibly charming, accessible and kind.

Now I KNOW why the magazine is soooo wonderful...

Chicago is positively gorgeous...wide, clean streets, flowers like you've never seen outside all buildings and stores,
those legendary, mind-boggling skyscrapers...

and the people are so darned friendly!
I cannot wait to go back...

Well...almost everything was perfect...

My suitcase looked like it tangled with a lawnmower!
(I think they must have used an entire roll of tape.)
The ornaments got a bit roughed up, but nothing was damaged.
The good news is that this happened on the way home! Whew!
Fortunately on the way OUT to the event, I had enough sense to hand carry my precious glitterbabies on the plane
so there was no chance of losing them.

I'll be savoring every moment of this wonderful event for a very long time...

Thank you Country Living Magazine!