Here's how one tree looked yesterday morning...almost there...
and theeze eez how one of them looked today, just prior to delivery...(I know, I know, I need a better camera and camera skills...but you get the idea) I had to shoot this from above in order to not get any really bad background my ratty old couch...didn't have time to set up my photo backdrop.
Happily, my client was thrilled with them and they will flank a beautiful display case in the main window of a lovely jewelry shop. It's kind of hard to see in my poorly taken pix, but each tree has a glass glittered butterfly, a bird in nest, lots of glittered bumblebees, a bumblebee in its bed, a hummer in its bed, a glass glittered praying mantis, love fruits, a sparkle star and a treat cone. Truly a labor of love...I sort of hated to let them go, but they will have a fabulous life in a wonderful store with lots of people admiring them...(we ALL should be that lucky!!!)...lucky dogs!